1.what happened at school today,this is an exercise in his observational powers.(今天在学校发生了什么,这是调动他的观察能力。)
2.what did you do well today,its motivating your child,get him motivated to learn.(今天有什么好的表现,这是在激励你的孩子,让他产生学习的动力)
3.what did you learn today,it was consolidating what he has learned during the day.(今天有什么收获,这是在巩固他一天所学的知识)
4.what dont you understand today,this is to engage the child to make him think,help him set a goal.(今天有什么不懂的吗,这是在调动孩子让他思考,帮他树立一个目标)
5.what can i do for you,its about separating responsibility(有什么需要爸爸妈妈帮忙的吗,这是分清责任)
these five questions,make sure to keep asking everyday,and your child will never be the same